Joel Woodruff, President, C.S. Lewis Institute, has worked in higher education, “tent-making,” nonprofit administration, and pastoral ministries in Alaska, Israel, Hungary, France, and Northern Virginia. He served as Dean of Students, Chaplain, and Professor of Bible & Theology at European Bible Institute, where he helped train Europeans both for professional ministry and to be Christian leaders in the marketplace. Prior to joining the Institute, he was on the leadership team of Oakwood Services International, a nonprofit educational and humanitarian organization. He is a graduate of Wheaton College, earned his M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and has a doctorate in Organizational Leadership from Nova Southeastern University. As a Parish-Pulpit Fellow, he studied Biblical Backgrounds & Archaeology in Israel for a year.
Are you ready to go deeper in your faith, learn from gifted Bible teachers and find encouragement and strength to live a fruitful and meaningful life for God? Journey is a nine-month small-group Adventure designed to help thoughtful believers become better-grounded disciples of Jesus Christ who faithfully follow and actively serve Him. This learning and growth take place through study, small-group processing, fellowship, prayer, and obedient response.
Heart and Mind Discipleship is a 10-week small group discipleship program for new believers or for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of faith in Christ and to focus on growing in Christ. This program was produced with support from various ministries and with input from pastors from a variety of denominations. Heart and Mind Discipleship is ideal for churches that are looking to start a discipleship program or for home groups who want to go to the next level after taking an Alpha Course or another introductory course.
When C.S. Lewis gave his lectures which became the book The Abolition of Man, he sought to point to the logical inconsistencies and dangers of a worldview that doesn’t hold to the idea of absolute truth. He did this in part by highlighting the natural law or moral law which is visible in all civilizations and written on the consciences of all human beings. In this series, Dr. Bryan Hollon takes us through each chapter of The Abolition of Man and helps us to understand Lewis’s argument while also providing key insights from the Bible.
Ufalme is a Swahili word which means Kingdom. In this ten-session guided experience, you’ll learn more about God’s kingdom while exploring the Lord’s Prayer that Jesus taught His disciples. Featuring Kenyan pastors and Bible teachers, original artwork, videos, discussion questions, and an interactive guidebook, this course is designed to help you know and grow in the love of the Heavenly Father and develop a vibrant prayer life.
Develop knowledge, tools, and practical skills to confidently articulate, defend, and share your faith as you rely on the power of the Holy Spirit. Featuring a digital study guide and select readings to help you grow.
C.S. Lewis Courses are provided through the ministry of the C.S. Lewis Institute. EIN: 54-1802015
Our Mission: In the legacy of C.S. Lewis, we develop wholehearted disciples of Jesus Christ who articulate, defend, share, and live their faith in personal and public life.