Arthur W. Lindsley

Senior Fellow for Apologetics, CSLI

Arthur W. Lindsley is the Vice President of Theological Initiatives at the Institute for Faith, Works, & Economics. He has served at the C.S. Lewis Institute since 1987 both as President until 1998 and currently as Senior Fellows for Apologetics. Formerly, he was director of Educational Ministries at the Ligonier Valley Study Center, and Staff Specialist with the Coalition for Christian Outreach. He is the author of C.S. Lewis’s Case for Christ, True Truth, Love: The Ultimate Apologetic, and co-author with R.C. Sproul and John Gerstner of Classical Apologetics, and has written numerous articles on theology, apologetics, C.S. Lewis, and the lives and works of many other authors and teachers. Art earned his M.Div. from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in Religious Studies from the University of Pittsburgh.

Courses by Arthur W. Lindsley

Writer and scholar C.S. Lewis became a public apologist for the Christian faith, using imagination and reason to articulate and defend his beliefs. In this four part audio series, Dr. Art Lindsley, the Senior Fellow for Apologetics at the C.S. Lewis Institute, outlines key elements of the apologetics of C.S. Lewis.

C.S. Lewis is probably the most influential practitioner of Christian apologetics over the last one hundred years. The way he integrated faith, imagination, and reason is both compelling and highly relevant for our times. From his vision of Narnia to the theological underpinings of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, this seminar will help believers better understand, and effectively use the life and work of C.S. Lewis.

It is now almost fifty years since C.S. Lewis’s death. He thought that his influence would soon wane and his books go out of print. He was wrong. His books are all in print and his influence is global, far beyond the English-speaking world. He is known for many things but particularly for making a clear case for faith in Christ to nonbelievers and believers. Because of the Narnia films, many have become interested in Lewis and some are open to studying his ideas. This video series is meant to be the introduction for a small group study on C.S. Lewis’s arguments against unbelief and for faith. Above all, it should be remembered that C.S. Lewis would not want people to focus on him but on Jesus.

Heart and Mind Discipleship is a 10-week small group discipleship program for new believers or for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of faith in Christ and to focus on growing in Christ. This program was produced with support from various ministries and with input from pastors from a variety of denominations. Heart and Mind Discipleship is ideal for churches that are looking to start a discipleship program or for home groups who want to go to the next level after taking an Alpha Course or another introductory course.


Apologetics is being able to give a reasonable defense for the hope that is within you (1 Peter 3:15). The Basic Apologetics Course is designed for those who wish to be better equipped to reach non-believers by giving honest answers to honest questions with gentleness and respect.